education and training


education, training, professional memberships

  • Teaching Assistant, Somatic Experiencing International

  • Teaching Assistant, Dr. Kathy Kain, Trauma Coupling Dynamics

  • Trauma Coupling Dynamics, 24 hours, Dr. Kathy Kain

  • Somatic Resilience and Regulation® (SRR) Practitioner, 1 year post-SE® training program with Dr. Kathy Kain and Dr. Stephen Terrell in developmental (childhood) trauma and repair

  • Dynamic Attachment Repatterning experience (DARe) training with Dr. Diane Poole Heller, in process

  • Member, Somatic Experiencing® International

  • Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP), Somatic Experiencing® International 3 year training program

  • Member, American Society for the Alexander Technique (M.AmSAT)

  • AmSAT-certified Alexander Technique Teacher, 1600 hours

  • Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS) Certified Teacher, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT)

  • M.A., George Washington University, Public Policy and Social Philosophy

  • B.A., University of Richmond, Philosophy and Gender/Race Studies

I am grateful to my many teachers across disciplines who have shared their wisdom, knowledge and encouragement with me over the years, including: Russell Jones, Lael Keen, Alaine Duncan, Kathy Kain, Stephen Terrell, Diane Poole Heller, Peter Levine, Sandra Bain Cushman, Daria Okugawa, Chris Friedman, Martha Lonergan, Joe Miller, Rita Waters, Richard Hall, Patricia Bravo, Gail Weiss and Del McWhorter.