“After just a few Alexander sessions I realized how much I was using my body wrong in most daily activities. With Gina’s guidance, my back and hips started feeling better soon, but the sessions after that were even more important because I learned to function better in so many ways.” – ND, Alexander Technique and Yoga Client and Business Owner, Charlottesville, VA
Alexander Technique sessions offer benefits that permeate many aspects of life:
Posture – Learn techniques to help you overcome bad posture caused by driving, sitting at work, carrying things, or work-related tasks.
Handling stress – Switch your nervous system away from “fight or flight” reactions to calm, measured responses.
Pain relief – Physical stresses from repetitive motion, unbalanced exercise practices or unconscious movement patterns can cause injuries and burden you with chronic pain or discomfort. Learn to see the connection between your thinking and your movement and learn useful self-care techniques to improve your physical agility, balance, and overall movement functioning.
Transition support — Alexander Technique can help you transition into everyday activities or exercise after you’ve recovered from an illness, injury or other life event, after or while under the care of a doctor, physical therapist or other medical professional.
Improving athleticism or artistry – Learn skills to improve your movement efficiency, whatever the sport or art, and develop a supporting home movement routine that’s personalized to your needs.
General well-being - Improve your concentration, poise, confidence and self-understanding. AT is a lifelong tool for self-clarification that you can use in any situation.
Over a century old, the Alexander Technique (AT) is a proven mind-body educational method with therapeutic benefits that offers clients a path to improve mental and physical functioning and move through life with more balance, comfort, and confidence. AT offers a clear, whole-body, systematic approach to the underlying principles that govern human response, functioning and movement.
As we move from childhood to adulthood and confront stress, trauma, and the fast pace and demands of modern living, we develop habits that cause excess tension, misalignment, and sometimes chronic pain or discomfort. Often we deal with this pain or discomfort by alternating between exercise routines and relaxation pursuits. While these may be helpful, they don’t necessarily address the unconscious habits and root causes within the nervous system.
We are often left unsatisfied, feeling that we haven't found a long-term solution to our discomfort.
AT addresses the space between stress and relaxation -- a calm, engaged nervous system. Learning AT skills can enable you to recognize harmful patterns, re-calibrate your nervous system, and change your choices, thus creating long-term change in your life. You’ll enjoy power over how your body works and how you react to the challenges that life throws at you.
In addition to the educational aspects, the trained hands of the practitioner gently guide the recipient’s system into releasing bracing or stress patterns and learning new neurological and muscular pathways more quickly and efficiently, in a slow, manageable and retainable manner. Hands-on work is applied both in activity and movement and in table work (lying down, fully clothed and supported with props when helpful).
Gina has worked with a wide range of clients, ages 14-93, including: doctors, PTs, OTs, and other healthcare professionals, business/non-profit/office professionals, horse riders, musicians, students, professors/teachers, singers, writers, yoga students, runners, football/basketball players, retirees, and more.
Come experience the Technique for yourself or contact Gina to talk further.
Read more about AT: www.alexandertechnique.com